Victoria Magazine is coming back! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I was so sad when they quit publishing it a few years ago.
I was actually visiting my mom the other day and when we went to check the mail...surprise! An invitation to subscribe to Victoria! At first my mom thought I'd put it in her mailbox as a joke--she could hardly believe it. I've been a Victoria reader since it started up in 1989 (I was 7 years old!!). My mom was a charter subscriber and would read through the magazine with me each month when it arrived. I consider my stack of Victorias one of my mom's most generous gifts--I adore each and every issue.
There is no doubt that the magazine majorly influenced my life. The romantic style of Victoria magazine is very much a part of my personal aesthetic and probably was a major factor in my decision to study victorian history and culture. I was even introduced to the Arts and Crafts movement through Victoria! My fiance sometimes teases me that Victoria is partly responsible for my preoccupation with old fashioned things and ideas, and he's right. Parents, your kids will absorb the information and ideas found in the books and magazines you have in your home.
To find out more about the magazine, visit: http://magazine-directory.com/Victoria.htm
My only fear is that the publishers will make the same mistake that led the magazine to fail a few years ago: tinkering with the message of the magazine (a return to loveliness) and morphing into a composite of Vogue, Better Homes and Gardens and Town and Country. They also messed with the classic Victoria font and stunning visuals in order to attract advertisers--which turned of subscribers.
I ran across a blog with a fabulous post on the demise of Victoria http://laniersbooks.com/2006/02/10/a-lament/
Let's hope they don't make the same mistake with the relaunch of the magazine!