Friday, January 4, 2008

High-Button Shoes are Back in Fashion

One thing I noticed while shopping at Nordstrom over Christmas break was that high-button shoes seem to have come back in fashion! As a young girl I was always particularly fascinated with high-buttoned shoes, but alas, they were never in style! Franco Sarto's "Alto" ankleboot (pictured above) is a Victorian-inspired wearable fashion. And, at $98.95 it is affordable as well (though I'm not sure about the quality). The shoes would be good for vegans, since they are synthetic. It is available through Nordstrom's website.

I found a couple of sites on the internet that offer more authentic shoes of better quality, but this is reflected in the price. "Reproduction Vintage Shoes" creates lovely "bespoke" shoes, but the price is rather steep--it looks like they cost approximately $650 a pair!

Amazon drygoods (they advertised in the old Victoria magazine for years) also sells a number of reproduction shoes and I would assume the price is quite a bit lower. You can order their shoe catalogue through their website at


  1. Those are great books--really beautiful! I've noticed too how some high boots, with a 1980's look about them are back in fashion again. I do like the ones with Victorian flair to them. Happy shoe shopping! ;o)

  2. Hi Meggie,
    I love the look of high-top Victorian boots ~ thanks for the links. I'll have to get myself some of those, perhaps put it with a floral skirt for Spring!

    I had completely forgotten about the PastTimes catalog, so thanks for reminding me of that great company in a previous post!

    Hope you have many blessings in 2008!

    Blissfully, Bebe :)


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