Monday, March 17, 2008

Tasha Tudor

One of my favourite memories from childhood is of reading Tasha Tudor's beautifully illustrated books with my Mom. Some of my favourites were A Time to Keep, A is for Annabelle, Mother Goose, 1 is One and The Tasha Tudor Book of Fairy Tales--my favourite!

Tasha Tudor's Book of Fairy Tales was one of the first books I brought from home when I got married. Whenever I have time, I love taking a few minutes to read one of the short fairy tales and glance at the pictures.

Tasha Tudor is an inspiration to me. She's something of an icon, not only for her beautiful drawings--which grace the pages of more than one hundred children's books--but also for her simple lifestyle. I was captivated the first time I read about her way of life in a profile written in the pages of Victoria magazine (I can't recall the issue).

Tasha Tudor almost seems to have emerged from the pages of William Morris' utopian novel, News from Nowhere. Like Morris, she has spent her lifetime creating a more beautiful world through her passion and creativity. Tasha spends her days spinning and weaving flax into cloth, sewing beautiful old fashioned dresses, cooking on a woodstove, making her own candles, tending her goats, gathering fresh eggs from her chickens and growing vegetables in her garden.

Cellar Door Books is probably the best place to locate used or out of print books illustrated by Tasha Tudor, as well as pieces of her original artwork. I wish I had the money to buy one of her original works of art! They are so lovely! And quite affordable, when you think about it. You can also visit the Tasha Tudor and Family website to see what new things are going on in the Tudor family!

1 comment:

  1. I love Tasha Tudor too! Her way of living is a beautiful lifestyle choice. She recently just auctioned off most of her antique dress collection. The pictures were amazing!



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