Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Metropolitan Museum of Art Announces Medieval and Renaissance Art Exhibit

Good news for those of you living in the New England Area! The Metropolitan Museum of Art has announced an exhibit of Medieval and Renaissance Art Treasures from the Victoria and Albert Museum beginning May 20, 2008 and running until August 17th. The exhibition will feature thirty-five masterpieces from the Victoria and Albert Museum. With works that date from 300 to 1600, the exhibition will feature pieces of ceramics, glass, metalwork and sculpture that rarely leave Great Britain.

The most anticipated pieces are the Carolingian ivory cover of the Lorsch Gospels (pictured right), an ivory statuette of the crucified Christ by Giovanni Pisano, Donatello’s bronze Winged Putto with Fantastic Fish, two gilt-bronze statuettes of prophets by Hubert Gerhard, and the Codex Forster 1, one of Leonardo da Vinci's famed notebooks.

This exhibit will give American museum goers a chance to see these pieces before the Victoria and Albert Museum installs them in their new Medieval and Renaissance Galleries, scheduled to open at the VAM next fall.

For more details, visit the Metropolitan Museum's Website


  1. Thank you for this - a welcome reminder that it is easy to take for granted the treasures that are on my doorstep. A visit to the V&A calls - and I'm not waiting until the autumn!

  2. Sounds wonderful! I wish I could go.



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