Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Decorative Arts at the Musee D'Orsay

As I continue chronicling my visit to Paris earlier this month, I thought I'd take a moment to revisit the Musee D'Orsay and tell you a bit about their great collection of decorative arts.

I guess you can tell I've swallowed William Morris' philosophy hook, line and sinker because whenever I get to a museum, I instantly make a beeline for whatever decorative arts are on display. Of course I still love paintings and sculpture, but I've developed a special place in my heart for beautiful (and useful!) household objects.

The Musee D'Orsay is a paradise for anyone who loves Art Nouveau style. They have several rooms at the Musee D'Orsay entirely devoted to Art Nouveau art objects. My favourite was the room pictured below, which was a recreation of a sort of "Haute Art Nouveau" living space. It's breathtakingly beautiful. The nature-inspired designs are so fluid that the walls feel like they are alive. It's incredible how the intricate, delicate carvings and the stunning grain of the wood combine to create such a spectacular effect.

I'm in love with the built-in shelves!

I really loved this vase and table and the carvings on the wall behind. Doesn't the entire room look like it came from the "Rivendell" set from Lord of the Rings? (by the way, if you aren't familiar with Art Nouveau, but you're familiar with the Peter Jackson film version of Lord of the Rings, the set for Rivendell was inspired by Art Nouveau style).


  1. So beautiful...that words escape me...I am in awe! Happy Day ((HUGS))

  2. I had not noticed the Arts and Crafts influence in LOTR - I was too distracted by Viggo Mortensen. Perhaps I should watch it again and take notes...

  3. Oh, thank you so much for sharing! What a heavenly room.. that has always been my favourite thing about the LoTR movies, Rivendell, its all I watched them for.

    You might also like the animated part of Enchanted, the palace is very AN inspired.

  4. I love that whole section in the Musée d'Orsay. It kills me how most visitors flock through the ground floor and top floor and totally bypass the Art Nouveau area. It's all so purty!

  5. That's so beautiful... I want my future house to have rooms like that, I'd feel like I was living in Rivendell! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

  6. Thanks, Shaylynn! It does look an awful lot like something out of Rivendell, doesn't it? I love the natural elements of Art Nouveau. There aren't that many examples of Art Nouveau interior design that are this pronounced (outside Parisienne cafes!), so this was a rare treat.


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