Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting Listed in the Open Directory Project

Time to reveal my nerdy side! It's taken several months and I had almost given up, but when I got back from France I realized that The Earthly Paradise is now listed in the Open Directory Project! Unfortunately, this blog's listing is already slightly out of date, since I submitted my application months ago, when I first started this blog. The Earthly Paradise has changed direction somewhat since then (i.e., this blog is listed as an "introduction to the arts and crafts movement" and I'm not that's any longer true, strictly speaking).

According to their website, The Open Directory Project is a "is the most comprehensive human edited directory of the Web, compiled by a vast global community of volunteer editors." Blah, blah, blah. Basically, it's a good website directory, and it's generally accepted that getting your blog or website listed with the ODP is a good thing. The downside is that it can take a while to get your site included (and you'll probably have to submit your blog yourself, unless someone is altruistic enough to do it for you). However, many claim that it's worth it in the long run. I, for one, can personally attest that I have noticed a slight increase in Google search traffic since getting listed, but nothing extraordinary.

What are your experiences with the ODP? I know some people hate it because they've had a hard time getting in. It does seem like a useful resource, though there are drawbacks as well. For example, since editors aren't paid, people speculate that competitors are often in charge editing the categories and purposefully exclude others. I didn't experience this, but that is probably because art weblogs aren't exactly a highly competitive niche at the moment! My experience might have been quite different were I, say, someone who blogged about SEO (search engine optimization, for those of you who aren't nerd wannabes, like me).

Any thoughts? Do any of you harbour closet nerdy tendencies, or am I the only one? I always figure most bloggers must have some interest in these sorts of things, since it takes a little bit of tech savvy to blog in the first place (but not much--I knew virtually zilch before I started this blog). I guess I'm just naturally curious, so I'm easily fascinated by these sorts of things. I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Congratulations! I'm afraid my closet nerdiness has little to do with technology...I blame a childhood of Nova and Kratt's Kreatures

  2. Thanks, Kate! I was also an avid follower of Nova and Kratt's Kreatures as a kid (I still watch them now!). I can't wait till I have kids so I'll have an excuse to watch PBS' educational programming!

  3. I agree he needs a name, but I haven't thought of one yet...I have random sounds rolling in my head, but none that work for a name or that I could actually write out.
    Columbia? That's exciting! Have you thought about just watching some spanish television? That might bring some of it back for you.

  4. I dont have a clue about this ODP?? So, got to check it out, so it's supposed to bring in more traffic right? intersesting, never thought about that :)

    happy weekend my friend :)

  5. In its early days, the ODP was very important, and Google and Yahoo used to get many of their results from there. Incoming links from the ODP were given much weight. That was a few years ago. Now it is much less important. It remains perfectly reputable (i.e. it is not a scam) and certainly it is a good thing to be listed there. It just won't do wonders for your traffic.

    Also, in the early days (certainly pre-2002), the ODP was a destination in itself and people would go there to find websites. Now, no actual person goes there.

  6. Thanks for your submission to the eighth edition of the Blog Carnival: Blogging. Your post has been accepted and its live:


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