Monday, June 16, 2008

Musee D'Orsay Wall Divider

This room divider is just another example of how the Art Nouveau Movement succeeded in turning even relatively mundane necessities into objects of art. The front of the divider has been decorated with a lovely painting. While the painting could easily stand alone as a work of art (sorry about the glare--you can't quite see how lovely a piece it is), the artist has chosen to give it another purpose, in addition to its beauty.

As you can see, even the back of the divider is stunning!

Every once and a while I am truly astounded by some of the beautiful works of art that have been created with the purpose of both serving and entertaining. When I saw this room divider, it really inspired me to believe that it is truly possible to find ways decorative objects that do more than simply serve a purpose. There has to be a way of making household objects both useful and uplifting!


  1. Your blog is very interesting, you share my love of The Arts and Crafts Movement. The colours on the room divider look very lovely, who was the artist I wonder?

  2. Seeing this in person would have made me weak in the knees. It's incredible!

  3. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the name of the artist was! I tried to write everything down while I was at the museum, but I'm afraid I've misplaced the name. If anyone knows the name of the painter, please feel free to let us know!


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