art history

Art Blog by Blog is another of my favourite sites. In one of his latest posts, Unfinished Business, Bob examines the art of Jacques Louis David, who is probably best known for his 1793 painting The Death of Marat. In the painting, "David elevates the objectionable Marat to the status of sainthood, generating the necessary propagandistic energy to fuel calls for revenge against the group with which Corday sympathized." Be sure to stop by Bob's blog, to read more!
I believe anyone who owns a truly beautiful book would not hesitate to categorize books as fine art. And if you aren't convinced, I would suggest a visit to Stephen's blog, A World Away: The Illustrated Book. Stephen has written an informative post on the history of small printing presses that is sure to win you over to the joys of beautifull books!.
Unfortunately, not all those who dream of creating beautiful work are able to see their dreams come to life. Sam Pospil examines the significance of frustrated artistic ambition in "Hitler Fails Art Exam".
Here's a post that's a little on the wild side. Tattoostosee, a website devoted to tatoos, has written an interesting article on the art history of tatoos. Tatoos are not my thing, but I learned quite a bit from reading about it!
We've received another interesting submission from Admirable India showcasing some of India's historic architecture. This time, it's a post about a watch tower that was built between 1520and 1569 and was supposed to illustrate the anticipated limits of the city of Bangalore. Apparently, due to the material the tower was constructed from, it's now attracting geogrphers as well as historians!
The Stickley Museum is currently featuring an online exhibit of some of its beautiful handcrafted furniture. Visit The Collection: The Living Room to see full tour!
Sarah reports that Jim Henson's work is currently on display at the Smithsonian. This would be an excellent exhibit to take the kids to!
That concludes this edition. Please submit your blog article to the next edition of
the art history carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Technorati tags:
art history carnival, blog carnival.
Thanks for all these great blog tips! I must pay them a visit...
ReplyDeleteThanks, Willow. I wish I'd received more articles this month. You should definitely send me an article submission for the next issue!
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to visiting all your interesting suggestions! Thanks! Of course, I find I always learn something fascinating at your beautiful site as well!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog tips.I'll check 'em out.Hope you are enjoying the holiday. I'm chasing rainbows tommorow.
Coturnix over at Science Blogs is looking for Art History Blogs I submitted your site as one. I'll be sure to write something and post it for the next carnival.
ReplyDeleteThanks, boba. I look forward to seeing your submission next time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including my blogpost in the Carnival! :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd so, here it is. A clear example of the proposition that in order to see through a project that begins with a surge of enthusiasm before the scale of the thing begins to dawn on you, it’s crucial to have told large numbers of people that you’re doing it so you can’t wriggle out again. Because it’s also proof that the blogosphere is crammed with fine writing about history. Thanks to everyone who sent links, especially links to blogs I’d never seen before and to posts that I’d managed to miss first time around.
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