Friday, September 12, 2008

A Call for Your Input

Now, for some bloggy housekeeping.

You might have noticed that I changed my blog's template! I felt like the left side of my blog was beginning to look a bit cluttered, so I moved the content to the left hand side and made the margins a bit narrower so that the text was easier to read. What do you think? Is the blog easier to read now? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.


  1. Yes! Much easier to read! And has a cleaner look with all your extras on the left! I like it. :)

    By the way, how did you get your text to stay lined up so nicely after switching templates? I tried to change my template once, and it completely jumpled the line up of my text. Now I'm afraid to try it again.

  2. Thank you Willow! You have no idea how relieved I am that someone likes it!

    I hate tweaking with those things too. It can definitely mess with your text. Were you using a standard blogger template, or doing your own? Sometimes even if your new template works perfectly, you still have to go back to your old posts and edit them so that they "fit" with the new template.

  3. Oh I like it! It does look cleaner! Great job :)

  4. Well yes, it is easier to read. I wouldn't have said it was difficult before, but now that you've changed it, I must admit it seems more cohesive somehow!

  5. Dear Margaret..looks fine to me, happy weekend :D

  6. Thanks for your input, guys. I was concerned that it might seem like a big change, so I'm glad that it seems "more cohesive!"

  7. Yes much easier to read. I don't know how to make comments permanent to the page. On my blog they are only visible if you click on the comment icon.

  8. Looks fine but the other design didn't bother me. Thanks for the extra effort you take, Margaret

  9. I liked it both ways, I have difficulty reading white text on black but yours is nice and clear.

  10. Thanks again for the input, everyone. And I'm glad to hear that it wasn't to terrible before, acornmoon!

  11. Margaret,I like it. Clean and sharp.

  12. Glad you like it! I guess I made a good choice!

  13. Yes, I like it. And I'm now feeling a bit sheepish about my own cluttered sidebar. I need to do some housecleaning of my own, but have been so busy lately!

    I've always loved your stunning header with the Lady of Shalott. And 'The Earthly Paradise' is written in a lovely font.

  14. The classic white on black is usually a good choice. Font size is a touch small, but I use a small Apple (12" PowerBook) as my main computer so I'm not the best judge. Besides I simply adjust text size with the browser.

  15. So much has changed since my last visit -- the blog looks great, and your new header is beautiful.

  16. I'm glad to hear that everyone seems to be enjoying the change! And I'm glad you like my new header, thisisglamorous!


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