Yes, yes, I have an announcement. My husband and I are currently expecting our first baby. Right now I'm 15 weeks and my husband and I are both extremely excited.
I have had an eerily symptom-free pregnancy. Aside from some tiredness and the occasional mood-swing (along with constant freaking-out-out-loud about the baby's health--thank you, Javier, for being so understanding!), I probably wouldn't have even known I was expecting! It's still a little shocking (and definitely reassuring) to go to the doctor's office and listen to the baby's heartbeat. It's very exciting, of course, but also a little hard to believe! (I've developed a lot more sympathy towards those women that claim they delivered a baby without even knowing they were pregnant).
The baby is due in October, and I must say I'm really looking forward maternity leave. Here in Canada we get an entire year, and I am so excited! Hopefully in between the sleepless nights I'll also have some more free time to blog and work on my writing--and maybe I'll even have some time to read!
I haven't decided yet if I will be starting a separate "baby blog" or not. I love reading other people's baby blogs, so I'm definitely toying with the idea. However, I'm not totally sure how much I'll have to say about motherhood! I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.
*Perhaps another symptom of pregnancy: I have started making up jokes in Spanglish, which make me laugh like crazy, even though I know it's positively loony. Early on in my pregnancy, I was watching Jeopardy with Javier and I got the answer (or is it the question?) wrong final Jeopardy answer wrong. In what I thought at the time was a brilliant bit of word play, I announced "yo perdi!" (Spanish for "I lost"), which sounds a lot like the word "Jeopardy." I think I laughed for an hour. Wow.
ReplyDeleteGet all the sleep you can, whilst you can!
Wonderful, wonderful! Congratultions and many blesings!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations,that is wonderful news. Look after yourselves!
ReplyDeleteWay to go! Babies are amazing little people :)
ReplyDeleteMy blogging advice is that whatever you decide about a baby blog, do not give up The Earthly Paradise. Within 6 months of no sleep, pureed bananas and pooey nappies, your mind will go to sludge. The intellectual effort of The Earthly Paradise may be the only complete adult sentences you utter.
Anyhow I love the Pre Raphaelites :)
Darling girl,
ReplyDeleteYour humor remains your very own. The first time you laughed out loud, you were three or four years old. We always thought you were terribly serious, but you found a "pun" while talking at the dinner table. When you realized the word had two meanings, you grinned from ear to ear and laughed for about an hour. We learned that day that you possess a unique sense of humor and delight in wordplay, which has not changed. I look forward to meeting my new grandchild, who is bound to be as unique and delightful as her/his mother!
Thanks for all the best wishes!
ReplyDelete--And don't worry, Hels, I definitely won't be taking a break from Earthly Paradise!
Congratulations, I echo what Hels said - something happens to your brain when you've had a baby. I'm fairly bright and have always been an avid reader, the most I could manage for some years after my third baby was Barbara Cartland!! It required no brainpower whatever and you could always remember the story because they were pretty much all the same:) One of my DILs has an MA in English Lit and says the same thing. There are lots of good things about having babies though and the brain does reappear eventually.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm glad my brain won't be on a permanent vacation~and reading Barbara Cartland doesn't sound too bad!
ReplyDeleteSo very, very happy for you & your husband, Margaret-CONGRATULATIONS!! A baby...oh, what joy! Feel free to share your baby bliss here or anywhere you will be fun to follow. Let me know if you decide to find out early if it's a boy or a girl--I can knit you up something sweet! ;o) Be taking good care and enjoy this precious time. Just so thrilled for you--what a blessing! ((BIG HUGS))
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Tracy! I really, really appreciate it!
ReplyDeleteThat is fantastic Margaret, I wish you luck, love, and peace.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Margaret! It's such an exciting time and I hope you and your husband enjoy every moment of it! I have twin boys that are 10 and one of the many joys is all the wonderful children's books you get to read which I am sure you will love!
Congratulations! I'd be laughing at that Jeopardy joke too. Too funny :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats again :)
ReplyDeleteParenthood is definitely a fun experience. You will probably find that life will never be the same again, but it changes in a good way!!!
Allow me to offer you a hearty congratulations. Take care of yourself as you embark on your latest adventure!
ReplyDeleteHow perfectly delightful!!! Well done! I loved coming here and reading this news and I wish you the happiest pregnancy ever!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Pamela!
ReplyDeleteWonderful news! Your lives will never be the same. My baby is 34 !and every memory still sings in my heart
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Congratulations! Your baby is going to be the most awesome kid ever!
ReplyDeleteI'll be interested to see nursery photos. A baby a baby a baby!!!
Ooo and you should have a childrens' book baby shower!
A big pregnancy symptom to look out for: being absentminded. My boss is a lot more flighty than when I met her and she's due in June!