Friday, September 10, 2010

New Theodor von Holst Exhibition in Cheltenham

A new exhibition featuring the works of English Romantic painter Theodor von Holst will be on display until December 11, 2010 at the Holst Birthplace Museum in Cheltenham.

Theodor von Holst is thought to have influenced the Pre-Raphaelites and when you see his paintings, you'll know why. (Theodor von Holst is not that well known, but you probably have heard of his grand nephew, Gustav Holst). Dante Gabriel Rossetti admired Holst's work, and the exhibition will feature a number of Rossetti's works in addition to 50 drawings and paintings by Theodor von Holst. 

It looks like it will be a great opportunity to find out more about von Holst, as well as to see some of Rossetti's works up close. If anyone has a chance to go, please let us know how it was! 

For more information, please visit the exhibition website.

Image courtesy wikimedia


  1. Thank you Margaret, missed that, wish I could see it, but your post points in the right direction. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. My visit will have to be in cyberspace, I must find out more about this artist so thank you for the link.

  3. I was not very familiar with Holst before... Thanks for this enlightening post, Margaret! :o)

  4. Thank you for the comments! I wasn't familiar with Holst before either. I won't be able to make it to the exhibit, but at least they have a great website!


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