Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Art History Carnival February 2011

Welcome to the February 1, 2011 edition of art history carnival! Thank you to everyone who participated in this issue - there is some fabulous stuff here. We have everything from a reminder that artists - whether painters or film directors - tend to take liberties with the details of history, to a fascinating debate over the meaning and subject matter of Giorgione's The Tempest. So, pour yourself a cup of tea, and prepare to spend a while reading!

art history

Giorgione's The Tempest (seen above) seems to have captured the imagination of a number of art history bloggers this month, including Gina Collia-Suzuki. who raises a number of questions about the painting in her post The Tempest, by Giorgione posted at The Perplexed Palette.

But it doesn't end there! H Niyazi examines the painting from an historical perspective in his post, which explores the turbulent historical background of the early 1500s, and discusses its impact on some iconic works of Venetian Renaissance art, including Giorgione's 'Tempest' and Carpaccio's 'Portrait of a Knight'" in Giorgione, Carpaccio and the Siege of Padua posted at Three Pipe Problem

Have you ever heard of Hubert Van Eyck? I'm sorry to say that, prior to reading the following post, I hadn't! Hubert has been rather forgotten by the art world, thanks to the larger than life image of his brother Jan. Monica Bowen delves into the history of the Van Eyck brothers in Jan and Hubert Van Eyck: What I wish we knew posted at Alberti's Window.

Have you ever wondered why paintings of historical events include figures directly staring at the viewer? Monica Bowen looks to Renaissance scholar Leon Battista Alberti for the answer in historia paintings: here's looking at you, kid posted at Alberti's Window

David Packwood takes us on a journey into the Venetian Renaissance, and the work of Tintoretto, as recounted by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood's talismanic advocate John Ruskin in Ruskin & Tintoretto posted at Art History Today

Dr. Frank DeStefano prefaces the work of John V. Fleming, exploring the sacred symbolism in Giovanni Bellini's 'St Francis in the Desert'" in his post entitled The sacred symbolism of Giovanni Bellini posted at Three Pipe Problem

Diana Flores presents her reaction to the Vietnam War Memorial in A Lacanian Intepretation of Maya Ying Lin's Vietnam War Memorial  posted at The Canon

One of the biggest challenges for art historians who researching female artists is that women's artwork has often been lost in the pages of history. Susan Benford helps remind us of the work done by one accomplished 17th century artist in Famous Painters: Judith Leyster posted at Famous Paintings Reviewed - An Art History Blog. Susan has also done a fascinating post featuring the work of portraitist Lavinia Fontana in Famous Paintings: Portrait of a Noblewoman posted at Famous Paintings Reviewed - An Art History Blog.

Vicky Alvear Shecter contemplates Jean Leon-Gerome's 'Pollice Verso' - the painting that inspired generations of historical film makers, and cemented a popular misconception about the 'thumbs down' gesture in gladiatorial combat - in Gladiators: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? posted at History with a Twist

art news

H Niyazi presents ModernARTization at the World Economic Forum posted at The Tait Global, saying, "The globetrotting Liv Tait spends some creative quality time with Damien Hirst and recounts the fascinating proceedings of the recent ModerARTization panel at the World Economic Forum."


Natalie Bennett presents a post examining artifacts that have been left behind in history to remind us of the lives (and names) of women in Women in two Oxford museums posted at Philobiblon.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
art history carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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Giorgione's The Tempest courtesy Wikimedia


  1. Always some new bloggers to sample, and again an honour to be selected!

    Cheers for your phenomenal work Margaret!


  2. Thanks for including me! Like H Niyazi, I love to learn about new blogs and posts through this carnival. There's a really great sampling of ideas presented here!

    Thanks for your upkeep of the carnival. I really enjoy it.

  3. Many thanks for including my blog post in your carnival. I love discovering new blogs and am looking forward to exploring all the posts.

  4. Thanks for picking my Bellini post. I was happy to do it on 3 Pipe Problem especially since H's images added so much.


  5. @M -Thanks!

    @Gina Collia-Suzuki - Thanks, Gina - it was a real treat to have you in the Carnival this month.I look forward to reading your blog regularly!

    @Dr. F. - The post was great, and H's site is so visually rich, it makes a perfect backdrop ;) Thanks again!

  6. I stumbled across The Earthly Paradise earlier this week. I must say that I am completely taken with the quality of the material that you present.

    I studied music, when to university to become a historian and then decided to become an engineer. My passion is sculpture although I like to work in wood the best. It is probably no accident that I love the Renaissance.

    Your blog is outstanding. I will definitely be coming back.

  7. I too am honored to be included in your carnival. Plus, I get to discover not only this blog, but other wonderful sites to explore. Thanks again!

  8. @Grinling E Gibbons - Thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by!

    @Vicky Alvear Shecter - Thanks for contributing to the carnival, Vicky!

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