Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Art History Carnival July 2011

Welcome to the July 6, 2011 edition of art history carnival. I hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays (we had Canada Day here July 1st, the Americans had the 4th of July, and Colombia will celebrate on July 20th - a lot of nations seem to celebrate their independence in July). Of course, Canada Day isn't exactly a celebration of independence. It's simply the anniversary of the British North America Act (about 144 years ago, Britain said something along the lines of "it's not you, Canada, it's us"). Anyway, after more than ten years living in Canada, I have to admit that it still feels a bit odd to have a royal visit that day, but when you consider that it was officially known as "Dominion Day" until 1982, it makes a little more sense. I was surprised to find that there are even massive Canada Day celebrations in Trafalgar Square in London each year!

And now to the July edition of the Art History Carnival...

art history

Monica Bowen presents altar of pergamon and baroque scholarship posted at Alberti's Window, saying, "This post largely deals with historiography, explaining why Baroque scholarship became popular in the late 19th and early 20th century." The post examines how the arrival of the Altar of Pergamon in Berlin caused revived interest in Baroque art because of the similarity it bore to the Baroque style (amusingly, some scholars even began referring to the Hellenistic style as "ancient Baroque").

Susan Benford presents Famous Paintings of Berthe Morisot posted at Famous Paintings Reviewed - An Art History Blog. Morisot was the first female artist to exhibit her works with the French Impressionists (the painting above is entitled "Child with Staked Roses", 1881). Her paintings are lovely and I appreciate that Susan has taken the time to share a little more about Berthe's life and work!

Next, take a moment to stroll along the streets of Paris with Anna (a student of Dr Ben Harvey, who is blogging as part of an independent study class on 19th century art from Paris), who has written a lovely blog post about one of her walking tours near her Paris Apartment entitled The Neighborhood posted at anna on art. Manet's Gare Saint-Lazare (shown above) is one of the many paintings that was created just a stone's throw away. Also, I highly recommend that you take time to read another of her posts, "Manet: Inventeur du Moderne," which she published July 5th. It's a lovely review of a current exhibit at the Musée d’Orsay, and is not to be missed!


Paul Doolan presents a fascinating review of Rodchenko and Ai Weiwei in Photography Museum, Winterthur posted at ThinkShop. The exhibit highlights the artists' differing "takes" on communism. Rodchenko (shown above left) began his artistic life rather enamored of the Soviet Revolution, while Ai Weiwei recently experienced a brief stint in Chinese prison as the result of his subversive art.

Helen Webberley presents Vienna Art and Design exhibition, in Melbourne posted at ART and ARCHITECTURE, mainly, saying, "A blockbuster exhibition in Melbourne called "Vienna Art and Design: Klimt, Schiele, Hoffmann and Loos" prompted a re-analysis of the Vienna Secession. The paintings, architecture, furniture, jewellery and textiles explore and display modernism, individualism, nationalism and the creation of a new style concentrating on the use of colour, design and opulent glamour."

philosophy of art

Jean-Michel Basquiat's work catapulted him to rock-star status in the early 1980s. Although he died at just 27 years of age, his work continues to fascinate and inspire. junhax reviews a documentary of his life and work in Jean-Michel Basquiat | Junhax posted at Junhax

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
art history carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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images courtesy Wikimedia


  1. I'm honored to be included here. As always, thanks for putting this together!

  2. Thanks for hosting Margaret! Love that you have selected Anna - it's great to see art history students engaging online! Well done to Anna and Ben.

    Kind Regards

  3. I would not have found Anna On Art in the normal run of events. It is going to be a fine art history blog. Thanks, Carnival!

  4. Thanks to Carnival Blog, continue with your fascinating blogs about art history. Louisville Chiropractic

  5. I saw that Manet of the Train with woman and child in Liverpool for the first time. It was fantastic, would love to go to the Manet in Paris.

    3 episode series on British Art in the 20th Century. Looks exciting.

  6. A wonderful gathering of words and art, Margaret! :o) Happy Summer Days ((HUGS))

  7. Hi, again, Margaret! Just wanted to let you know I am actually launching a new blog today, with new creative focus--I'm very excited about it. In a few weeks I'll be closing Pink Purl. Thanks for visiting me there sometimes. :o) ((HUGS))

  8. Beautiful art awesome.


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