Thursday, March 1, 2012

Art History Carnival March 2012

Welcome to the March 1, 2012 edition of art history carnival!

art history

We often don't take the time to delve deeper into the lives of the subjects behind famous paintings. 1632: Aris Kindt, Rembrandt subject posted at Executed Todayreminds us of the story of one such individual, Aris Kindt, who was executed for the crime of stealing a wealthy man's cloak. Kindt might have been forgotten in the pages of history, but we are ironically reminded of his story through his inclusion in Rembrandt's painting The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (Kindt is the cadaver who features so prominently in the painting!). Many thanks to Jason for this fascinating post.

Francis DeStefano presents Giorgione: Allendale Adoration of the Shepherds posted at Giorgione et al...., saying "scholars have expended more time dealing with the controversy that has surrounded the attribution to Giorgione of the so-called “Allendale Adoration of the Shepherds” than they have in trying to understand what is actually going on in the painting." Francis does an excellent job of concisely summarizing some of the major themes in this work.

One of the most interesting aspects of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was that its founders were quite conscious of its being a movement. They spent a great deal of time considering the philosophy behind their approach to art, and in doing so, they borrowed heavily from a number of well-known sources. As the great Steve Jobs reminded us, good artists copy, great artists steal. Clara Finley presents The Morrisian: Hunting for More Pre-Raphaelite Origins posted at The Morrisian, saying, "I was originally inspired to investigate this question by Dinah Roe's post "Did Keats invent Pre-Raphaelitism?" (". Finley comes to the conclusion that much of the inspiration behind the Pre-Raphaelite movement was drawn from Ruskin's work.

One of the greatest thrills for art historians of all stripes is investigating claims of newly discovered masterpieces (or sketches, or doodles). Mario Miranda discusses a recently discover Leonardo sketch, and examines the possibility that it is authentic in New Da Vinci Self-Portrait Discovered posted at Mario Miranda's Blog

Eric Edelman presents Hannah Höch: Profile in Collage posted at Art of RetroCollage. Hannah Höch (born in Gotha, Germany in 1889 – died in Berlin, 1978) was one of the early photomontage innovators in the Berlin Dadaist group, along with Heartfield, Grosz, and Hausmann (through whom she first became acquainted with Dadaism).

There is something magical about the first time you experience a vista that you first saw in a work of art. This happened to me over and over again the first time I went to Paris - and London - and the feeling was overwhelming. For a guide to some paintings (and their real-life inspirations), visit Katie Sorene's post 5 Watery Paintings You Can Step into in Real-life posted at Travel Blog - Tripbase.

No matter how familiar you are with artistic symbolism, there are always new things to learn, as Christina Daniel demonstrates in her post Surprising Iconography of John the Baptist posted at Daydream Tourist, which explores why John the Baptist sometimes appears with wings in Russian iconography. A fascinating exploration of the differences between the Eastern and Western Christian traditions!


Yves Saint Laurent famously felt it was pretentious for fashion designers to consider themselves artists. I respectfully disagree, and therefore have chosen to include this last piece in the carnival. Lisa Hood presents 10 Major Designers Who Broke Out at Fashion Week posted at ZenCollegeLife, saying, "Every profession has their pinnacle achievement. For football players, it's making it to the Super Bowl. For Fashion designers, it's showing their collections at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
art history carnival
using our
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Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

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  1. Margaret:

    Thanks for selecting my post this month. Thanks also for doing such a fine job on the Art Carnival.


  2. What a great group of posts! As always, thanks for putting this together. The post from "Executed Today" is especially interesting. I had no idea that the corpse was a criminal (and even less that we know about his history).


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