Thursday, January 31, 2008

Craftsman Magazine

In yesterday's post I mentioned the work of Gustavus Stickley, founder of Stickley furniture and the legendary Arts and Crafts periodical The Craftsman. As an addendum, if you are interested in reading more about the Arts and Crafts movement (and Craftsman design in particular), take a moment to browse through some vintage issues of The Craftsman magazine. The University of Wisconsin's Library of Decorative Arts has made this great resource available free online for anyone interested in learning more about the movement. All issues from between 1901 and 1916 are available through the site.

This link was sent to my by Brad from over at Tree Frog Furniture. Brad makes beautiful reproduction Arts and Crafts furniture and his blog chronicles the creative process along with photos of his work. His craftsmanship and creativity are evident in the beautiful (and useful) work he produces.


  1. Hi Meggie,

    I haven't been doing much blogging this past week, as I've had a touch of the flu. But, I'm back now and trying to catch up with all my blog friends!

    I meant to thank you the other day for writing about me in your Victorian post. I've never been quoted before, so that was an honor!!! :) You are just so sweet, girl!!

    Just wanted to let you know that you have been TAGGED to tell 7 things about yourself. Come on over to my blog to get all the details!

    Smiles...Bebe :)

  2. Thanks for the great links. Something for both Matt and I to read

  3. Thanks for your comment. As I've been working on this last project, all I can think of is the classic Stickley "By hammer & hand do all things stand." What a motto, especially in the context of the McMansion world. Your blog looks great. I'll be checking in for inspiration!

  4. Thanks for the shout-out Margaret, nice to find like minds. I've enjoyed your posts on William Morris, keep up the good work.


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