Thursday, April 3, 2008

100th Post

My husband has been pestering me to start a blog practically since we met. I'm extremely passionate about art, beauty, literature, poetry, philosophy and history and I think he knew I'd enjoy having a chance to share my views with the world in a totally new way!

I started blogging on a more committed basis in December. Since then, I've been keeping it up as part of my New Year's resolution to devote time each day to work on things that are of interest to me.

Over these past few months, what has really stood out at me as a blogger has been the amazing people I've met along the way. There are so many talented, knowledgeable people out there that I never would have had a chance to meet were it not for blogging. And so, for my 100th post, I would like to salute you, my fellow bloggers!

My sincere thanks to my readers. Thank you all for your comments and your encouragement. I have learned so much from reading your blogs! Blogging has been an amazing experience and I couldn't do it without you!


  1. Congratulations Margaret. Your husband was right! Your blog is always such a bright spot for me. I feel that I learn so much and I always carry away food for thought. Thank you for sharing your life, loves and dreams.

    Wishing you many more blogging years to come.


  2. Congratulations! and a 100 more to come...or more!

  3. A very happy 100 to you!

    Your blog is a bright spot in my day, but I'm sure you can guess that, since our tastes seem to be rather similar :)

  4. You certainly are prolific, I'm often amazed at the length of your daily posts, keep up the good work. BTW you should be getting your tshirt soon.

  5. Congratulations on your 100th post! I'm looking forward to the next 100 ^_~

    I definitely have to agree with you about blogging, I've met so many wonderful people through it and made some great friends. Thats surely the best part.

  6. Congrats and Happy 100th post, tks so much for sharing and I am learning much from this beautiful blog..just like the owner :) happy weekend

  7. Quite an accomplishment. Congrats !


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