Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Arts and Crafts Projects from Across the Blogosphere

Well, I'm fast approaching my 100th post, so I thought I would take today to feature some of the amazing art projects completed by you, my new blogosphere friends!

Kate at Cranberries and Cheese is always creating something new and exciting. This week, her blog features a few of her designs that she will be exhibiting at an art show, including a lovely silver ring she cast herself and this fabulous wire tree (pictured right), dressed in pearls from one of her grandmother's necklaces!

In the world of woodworking, Brad at Tree Frog Furniture has been busy in his shop creating Arts and Crafts furniture reproductions. He just finished a fantastic Stickley Music Cabinet (pictured right) and he's just announced that he's embarking on a new project: a Harvey Ellis Dresser! Stop by his blog to see the whole creative process unfold!

The fantastic fashionings of confectionary cobbler Nancy at Fete et Fleur are fast becoming legendary! They remind me of Manolo Blahnik's sketches. Her latest shoe creation is inspired by the "Fairy Queen of Scots." How perfectly charming!

On a more whimsical note, isn't this piece of embroidery cool? It looks so REAL! This dragonfly, embroidered by Paula of The Beauty of Life, reminds me a lot of the flies my dad used to make for fly-fishing. The form of embroidery is called stumpwork, I believe. Wouldn't this look incredibly neat embroidered on a little boys overalls? Paula always is crafting the most fascinating things. She often makes more traditional pieces, but I actually really love it when she is in a creative mood.

Last, but by no means least, Kate of My Life is but a Tapestry has revealed that in addition to her considerable talents working with fibers, she is also a painter! She finished this lovely painting, entitled "The Youngest Groomsman," just the other day. The realism of the picture is striking and the colours are so warm and inviting. The young man seems quite aware of the significance of his position, doesn't he? I just love it.


  1. Arent we all clever! Thanks for showcasing my work..its great to see the others to..but you forgot to include a certain Morris inspired needlepoint cushion that someone is working on....

  2. Thank you for showing off my shoe. I have to tell you I didn't know who Manolo Blahnik was until I read Donna's blog and did a Google search for him. The amazing thing about him is that he is the one who created the shoes for Marie Antoinette, the movie!

    Hugs! Nancy

  3. Egads! a post mentioning me! I am honored! As for the tree...I hope you noted the wink in my previous comment. Maybe I'll post a tutorial later on. They're insanely easy to make.
    I want to put together an store but am waiting until the summer, when I can bulk up on products (knit purses, scarves, hats, animals...wire sculpture, etc. It's a shame I won't have access to any actual jewelry tools!)
    I actually entered a piece of art in my university's competition (which isn't saying much because I think at most there are like 25 entries) and I find out relatively soon if it gets selected to be in the show! It's the allerleirauh piece I was telling you about! I finished it quickly and entered it before I got a picture, sadly.

  4. Hello! here I am on your blog! Thank you for the nice words. The other things you've made notice of are lovely. Have to show my husband the furniture - he, too makes Stickley furniture, but just for us.

  5. Thanks for the mention Margaret, look for another post this weekend on progress on the dresser.


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