Thursday, June 18, 2009

Earthly Paradise is on Twitter!

I'm now on twitter! My user name is: margaretlozano

You all may have noticed that my posts have become less frequent since work has become busier. I'm hoping that twitter will give me a chance to communicate on a daily basis with you all!

For those of you who are much earlier adapters of twitter, please let me know your user names, and I'll be sure to add you!


  1. Great news! I am Frankiki x

  2. Fun to see you on Twitter too, Margaret... Just added you :o) Twitter is so great for days, weeks when there's little time for "real" blogging. Happy Summer Days ((HUGS))

  3. Definitely great for times when you don't have time to really sit down and write. I'm hoping that when maternity leave starts, I'll have more time to write, but we'll see how that goes!


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