Thursday, June 11, 2009

John William Waterhouse Exhibit in Montreal

The Montreal Museum of Fine Art has just announced an exhibit of John William Waterhouse's work, set to open this fall.

The exhibit will run from October 1, 2009 through to February 7, 2010. The show was organized by the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands, with participation from the Royal Academy of Arts in London and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. It is expected to be the largest collection of his work ever on display, with paintings gathered from public and private collections across the globe. A number of the works have not been seen since Waterhouse's own lifetime.

I've been so excited by the recent increase in Canadian exhibits focusing on Pre-Raphaelite and Pre-Raphaelite related artists. Now, if only they'd do one in Edmonton! (Perhaps when our new Edmonton art gallery opens?).

For those of you living in the UK (or lucky summertime visitors), the exhibit can be seen at London's Royal Academy of Arts from June 27 - September 13, 2009.

Image: Penelope and the Suitors, John William Waterhouse, 1912


  1. Waterhouse...*SIGH* I would love to see this exhibit. Montreal is a bit far from where I am though... ;o) Thanks for info and links, Margaret. Happy weekend ((HUGS))

  2. How fortunate for those living near. I'd love to see this exhibit, but I'll have to wait till it comes closer.

  3. Chere Margaret, Ahhh. Yet another reason we should visit Montreal!

  4. I know, mom! I really can't wait to see Montreal--and this would make such a great excuse!

  5. I saw some of his work recently in Liverpool and thought of you.

    I hope all goes well with your pregnancy.I have seen scans of babies but not the kind that you describe, how exciting!

    Take care and don't work too hard.

  6. Thanks for the heads up on the UK exhibition - it's in the diary!

    And a big congratulations on your little one! I don't know, a little break from blog-land and I miss all the good news!

    I bet you're really stocking up on story-books now! :)

  7. Glad you're going to be able to attend, wanderingjasmine!

    Yes, I'm definitely stocking up on books now! I head straight for the kids section now whenever I go to the bookstore.


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