Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Call for Submissions for the February Issue of the Art History Carnival

I hope 2011 has gotten off to a great start for everyone. I have been very busy so far this year (as some of you may have noticed from the lack of frequent postings), but hopefully things will start to slow down a little over the next couple of months and I will be able to get back to blogging!

The February Art History Carnival  will be posted on February 1, 2011. You can submit articles for inclusion in the carnival until 48 hours before the issue comes out (in this case, Sunday, January 30th). 

What kind of blog articles will be included? 
Posts covering all periods and art mediums are welcome, as are posts discussing art criticism, architecture, design, theory and aesthetics. All submissions will be carefully reviewed. 

What is a Blog Carnival? 
According to Wikipedia, a blog carnival is "a type of blog event...similar to a magazine, in that it is dedicated to a particular topic, and is published on a regular schedule, often weekly or monthly. Each edition of a blog carnival is in the form of a blog article that contains permalinks links to other blog articles on the particular topic." 

Blog Carnivals are a great way to help your blog reach a new audience and to make new friends in the blogosphere! 

Who can submit? 
Anyone, as long as you have a blog! And If you don't blog, you can submit one of your friend's articles (except they better be good--I'll be reading them!). 

Can I host a carnival? 
Absolutely! Please let me know if you'd be interested in hosting the next issue of the carnival. 

How to submit articles
You have two options:

1. Use the submission form provided by Blog Carnival (this is easiest!). 
2. Send me an email. Include the title and permalink URL of the post you are nominating for inclusion in the carnival, along with the name of the blog. Please put "Art History Carnival" in the title of your email to help me recognize it in my inbox! 

One final thing to keep in mind: 
To keep things current, posts should have been written after the date of the last Carnival. If a post is six months old, I won't be able to include it in the Carnival, no matter how great it is.

Thank you for your participation! Share the news if you know someone who likes to write about art!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Poetry of Drawing: Pre-Raphaelite Designs, Studies and Watercolours

Those of you living in the UK (or visiting) are in for a real treat this month. From January 29, 2011 to May 15, 2011, The Birmingham Museum is hosting what promises to be "the largest survey of Pre-Raphaelite drawings and watercoulours ever staged." The museum has assembled works Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery’s world-class collections, together with important pieces from public and private lenders, including some works by D.G. Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and Edward Burne-Jones that have never previously been exhibited. The exhibit, entitled The Poetry of Drawing, will place special emphasis on the important role that drawing played in the Pre-Raphaelite movement.

The Poetry of Drawing will include pieces from the most prominent members of the Pre-Raphaelite movement, including all the original members of the PRB, Elizabeth Siddal, Edward Burne-Jones, Frederick Sandys and Simeon Solomon. Later artists, such as Aubrey Beardsley, who were influenced by the Brotherhood are also included, as are the Arts and Crafts contributions of William Morris, William de Morgan and Florence Camm.

For those of you who are unable to attend, the exhibition's curator has created an illustrated volume entitled Pre-Raphaelite Drawing. The book will be published by Thames and Hudson. I would love to see this exhibit in person, but if I don't get the chance, I will definitely be looking into the catalogue!

For more information and ticket prices, please visit the Birmingham Museum's exhibition website.

Image above is William Morris' sketch for his Trellis wallpaper design.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Art History Carnival January 2011

Happy New Year and welcome to the January 3, 2011 edition of art history carnival. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves over the holidays, and I hope you all had a chance to take in some fabulous art! My family finally had the chance to see the Matisse exhibit being held at the Art Gallery of Alberta over Christmas holiday. It was a lot of fun, though my daughter seemed less than impressed by his early work (that's okay, Mommy didn't like it much either).


I read all submissions carefully and have chosen those I hope will enlighten and inform. However, these posts represent many different viewpoints and modes of self-expression, and some may not appeal to all readers.

art history

Helen Webberley presents Modern art destroys British morals, 1910! Read all about it! posted at ART and ARCHITECTURE, mainly, saying, "In selecting works for The Manet and the Post-Impressionists Exhibition, held in London in 1910, art critic Roger Fry went a long way to define post impressionist art for Britain. Despite the howling derision of traditionalists, British artists and art lovers enjoyed the Cezannes, Matisses, Gauguins and van Goghs very much."

Zsombor Jékely has written about the history of the oldest, well-documented Chinese porcelain objects to enter Europe in a post entitled A note on the Fonthill Vase posted at Medieval Hungary

H Niyazi presents Jan van Eyck : symbolism, virtuosity, and a Vasari myth posted at Three Pipe Problem. The post examines Van Eyck's work and questions the notion that Van Eyck "invented" oil painting.

Monica Bowen debunks a commonly held misconception about the famous Gero Crucifix of Cologne Cathedral in her post Crucifix of Gero Conundrum posted at Alberti's Window

H Niyazi presents Giorgione, herons and a Carpaccio Knight posted at Three Pipe Problem, saying, "Giorgione's enigmatic 'Tempest' has enjoyed a reputation for being undecipherable. This article explores an amazing similarity between Giorgione's work and fellow Venetian artist Carpaccio. It also highlights how Twitter based collaboration helped inform and unite independent researchers from UK, Australia and the real time!"

Nicole Elena Robertson shares her experience studying printmaking at Scuola Internazionale di Grafica in Venice in her post Artist book from Venice posted at Nicole Elena Robertson

Monica Bowen takes a closer look at The "Sumptuous" Arts in Greece posted at Alberti's Window saying "the "sumptuous" artistic materials like ivory, gold, silver and gemstone were the artistic mediums that the Greeks most prized. In other words, the Greek marble, bronze and (painted) pottery (all of which are placed at the heart of Western art history) weren't as valued by the ancient Greeks."

exhibits and openings

Alexandra Korey explores the history of the Ghirlandaio workshop, now featured in exhibits across Florence and Scandicci in her post The Ghirlandaio Family- Renaissance painters in Florence and Scandicci posted at Tuscany Arts

Eve Mann presents a candid reaction to the 2010 National Biennial exhibit posted at The Phoenix in a Gas House, saying, "Jamaica is typically known for its beaches and music, however there is a thriving art scene with many cool artists yet to be discovered, especially by those outside of Jamaica. The national Biennial shows the new stars and the old hotness all in one place."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of
art history carnival
using our
carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our

blog carnival index page

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